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  • “The Mastermind Behind the Incredible Trick Shots: Exploring the Genius of Florian Kohler”
March 20, 2023


Have you ever seen a person hitting a cue ball so hard that the ball travels around the table and lands in the perfect pocket? That’s known as trick shots, and there is one person in the world who is the master of this art. Florian Kohler, aka Venom, is the name that rings the bell. He is famous for his incredible trick shots all around the world. He is admired by pool players, enthusiasts, and the public alike.

So who is Florian Kohler? What makes him the mastermind behind all the fantastic trick shots? In this blog, we are going to explore the genius of Florian Kohler and what distinguishes him from other cue artists and players.

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Florian Kohler- The Mastermind Behind Trick Shots

Florian Kohler, also known as Venom, was born on July 15, 1988, in France. He started playing pool when he was just six years old, inspired by his father, who was also a pool player. At the age of 14, Florian began to focus on trick shots, and since then, he has not looked back.

Florian Kohler has always been a keen learner and has travelled around the world to master the art of trick shots. He spent time with professionals from different countries, learning and observing their styles. He frequently posts videos of his incredible shots on social media, where he has a massive following.

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The Secret Behind Florian’s Trick Shots

Florian Kohler’s trick shots are nothing less than magic. His shots are all about speed, balance, and precision. He possesses a unique focus and an eye for detail that makes him one of the world’s best cue players.

The secret to his success lies in his ability to think outside the box. Florian follows a unique approach to playing pool, and he can even think of shots that no one else can. He also spends countless hours practicing and innovating to come up with new tricks and shots.

The Evolution of Trick Shots

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Trick shots have been around for centuries, and they have always been a crowd-pleaser. However, since the inception of social media, trick shots have become a global craze. Florian Kohler has been instrumental in changing the way people perceive trick shots. He has taken trick shots to the next level, with his innovative and incredible shots.

The evolution of trick shots is all about innovation and creativity, and Florian Kohler has been a trailblazer in this aspect. He has inspired many newcomers to take up cue sports and trick shots in particular, and he continues to inspire millions around the world.

Florian’s Goals and Achievements

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Florian Kohler is a man with an unwavering passion for cue sports. His goal is to make trick shots an official sport and have it included in the Olympics someday. He has set up an academy in France, where he teaches and trains aspiring cue artists and players.

Florian’s achievements are remarkable. He has performed in over 40 countries, has won several national and international competitions, and has been featured in many TV shows and documentaries.

Challenges Faced by Florian Kohler

Florian Kohler has faced many challenges on his journey to becoming the world’s best cue artist and player. One of his biggest challenges was convincing people that trick shots were more than just a form of entertainment. It took him years to convince people that trick shots required as much skill and dedication as any other sport.

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Another challenge he faced was overcoming injuries. Florian Kohler has had to deal with back injuries that have threatened to cut short his career. However, he has persevered and continued to create amazing shots that leave audiences in awe.


Q1. What makes Florian Kohler unique?

A1. Florian Kohler is unique because of his approach to playing pool. He follows a method that no other cue player follows, which allows him to think of shots that no one else can.

Q2. What sets Florian Kohler apart from other cue players?

A2. Florian Kohler sets himself apart from other cue players because of his incredible trick shots. He has a unique way of playing pool, and he spends countless hours practicing and innovating to come up with new tricks and shots.

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Q3. How did Florian Kohler learn to play pool?

A3. Florian Kohler learned to play pool from his father, who was also a pool player. He started playing pool when he was just six years old.

Q4. What is Florian Kohler’s ultimate goal?

A4. Florian Kohler’s ultimate goal is to make trick shots an official sport and to have them included in the Olympics someday.

Q5. What challenges has Florian Kohler faced?

A5. Florian Kohler has faced challenges such as convincing people that trick shots were more than just a form of entertainment and overcoming injuries.

Q6. How has Florian Kohler influenced the world of cue sports?

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A6. Florian Kohler has been instrumental in changing the way people perceive trick shots. He has taken trick shots to the next level, with his innovative and incredible shots. He has inspired many newcomers to take up cue sports and trick shots.

Q7. What are Florian Kohler’s achievements?

A7. Florian Kohler has performed in over 40 countries, has won several national and international competitions, and has been featured in many TV shows and documentaries.


In conclusion, Florian Kohler is a pool player and cue artist like no other. His incredible trick shots inspire millions around the world, and he is considered the mastermind behind this art. Florian Kohler’s unique approach to playing pool sets him apart from other cue players, and his dedication and passion for cue sports are truly remarkable.

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We hope this blog has given you an insight into the world of cue sports and trick shots and has helped you understand what makes Florian Kohler so unique. Remember, if you want to be like Florian Kohler, all it takes is passion, hard work, and a unique approach. Happy cue-playing!

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