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March 28, 2023

Unleashing the Mind-Puzzling Theories of Susan Blackmore

Have you ever wondered why we believe in ghosts, gods, and aliens? Or why we feel like we have free will even when everything we do seems predetermined? Susan Blackmore, a world-renowned psychologist and author, has spent her life unraveling these mind-bending questions. Let’s dive into the fascinating theories that have left researchers and laypeople alike scratching their heads.

The Beginning of a Curious Mind

Susan Blackmore was born in 1951 in London, England. She was a curious child who always questioned the world around her. She went on to study psychology and parapsychology at the University of Surrey in the United Kingdom. However, her dreams of proving the existence of paranormal phenomena were quickly shattered. It was then that she decided to devote herself to academic research and began questioning our most basic beliefs.

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Free Will – Is it Real?

Most of us believe that we have free will – that we choose our actions and thoughts. But according to Susan Blackmore’s theory, this sense of free will is an illusion. Blackmore argues that our brains create the feeling of control and choice, but that it is predetermined by our physical makeup and past experiences.

She explains this by using the example of a waterfall. Looking at a waterfall, we perceive it as one continuous stream of water when in fact, the water is made up of individual droplets. Similarly, our sense of free will is an illusion created by our brain considering our past decisions and our present circumstances.

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The Ghost in the Machine

Ghost experiences have been documented for centuries, but many people today still report sightings or interactions with them. Blackmore theorizes that our brains are responsible for creating these experiences. She calls this the “ghost in the machine” theory. According to this theory, our brains are wired to make sense of the world around us. In situations where our brains cannot identify what is happening, we fill in the gaps with what we believe to be true. This can lead to ghost sightings, alien abductions, and other paranormal experiences.

The Power of Consciousness

Consciousness is a complex topic that we have yet to fully understand. One theory proposes that consciousness arises from the interactions between neurons in the brain. Blackmore, however, has a different perspective. She believes that consciousness arises from a combination of attention and working memory. Attention refers to our ability to focus our minds, while working memory is our short-term memory that allows us to keep our thoughts organized. By combining these two processes, our brains create our experience of consciousness.

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Do We Really Need a Soul?

Many cultures believe that a soul is an integral part of human existence. However, Susan Blackmore argues that the concept of a soul is unnecessary. Our bodies and brains create our sense of self, and we don’t need a separate entity to explain it. She explains that the idea of a soul persists because we often rely on explanations from religion and mythology rather than scientific evidence.

The Limits of Consciousness

Though consciousness is a complex topic, there are limits to what our brains can process. Blackmore argues that the brain can only handle a limited amount of information at once. This means that we can never be fully conscious of everything we experience. Our brains must filter out information that is irrelevant to our specific experiences, leading to inaccuracies in our perception of reality.

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Q: What is Susan Blackmore known for?
A: Susan Blackmore is known for her contributions to the fields of psychology and parapsychology and her mind-bending theories about consciousness, free will, and the paranormal.

Q: What is the “ghost in the machine” theory?
A: The “ghost in the machine” theory proposes that our brains create paranormal experiences due to our brain’s attempt to make sense of the world around us.

Q: What is free will?
A: Free will refers to the belief that we choose our actions and thoughts.

Q: What is consciousness?
A: Consciousness is the awareness of our surroundings, thoughts, and feelings.

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Q: Do we really need a soul?
A: Susan Blackmore argues that the concept of a soul is unnecessary. Our bodies and brains create our sense of self, and we don’t need a separate entity to explain it.

Q: What is working memory?
A: Working memory is our short-term memory that allows us to keep our thoughts organized.

Q: What are the limits of consciousness?
A: Our brains can only handle a limited amount of information at once. This means that we can never be fully conscious of everything we experience.


Susan Blackmore’s theories about consciousness, free will, and the paranormal challenge our most basic beliefs. Her research has given us new ways to understand our brains and the world around us. As we continue to explore these topics, we will undoubtedly come across even more puzzles to unravel. But for now, we can take comfort in knowing that we are one step closer to understanding the mysteries of the mind.

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